My Dam(n)ped Heart 🖤
I find solace under the sheets.
Buried in between reality and dreams.
My young heart leads me on romantic fantasies. Yet, it somehow ended up hurting it’s own feelings.
It was my self sabotare, she peered her seditious eyes and got the best of me. She struck when I was left vulnerable.
I should have shared with him on what was holding me back. I should have cried out to him for help. I was too weak to show him or anyone, including myself.
Denial is a nice place to visit.
The sane don’t stay long, I was there for five years.
If ever there was a quote this emo heart lives by; ‘Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.’
From all that turmoil, breaking, healing and finally growth.
I am happy to have loved him.
Happy to love me.
Open to the possibilities.
At peace with who is currently…me. 😇
(thank god, now I can sleep 🛌 💤)